Rowan header 03 Rowan header 01 Rowan header 02
Alaric header 03 Alaric header 01 Alaric header 02

Constellations of Arcania

Summon the Legends
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Rayalda header 03 Rayalda header 01 Rayalda header 02

When heroes transcend legend they take their rightful place among the stars. The Constellations form zodiacs based on these mythical heroes and the virtues they embody.

Empower your deck with the new Constellations Art Sleeves.

Choose the virtues that match you or your deck – or collect them all for the full range of virtues.

Alaric sleeves Constellations of Arcania


Cunning and adaptable

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Rowan sleeves Constellations of Arcania


Honesty and bravery

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Rayalda sleeves Constellations of Arcania


Calm and peaceful

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Alaric greyscale



Alaric would always find a way, even if that way was to replace his cut off hands with splintered dragon bones in the shape of swords. His stars shine on those who improvise and adapt.

No one bests Alaric at strategy and ­tactics – he aids those who look to the warriors that came before, to their skill and experience, to gain the upper hand on the ­battlefield.

Rowan greyscale



The tales of how Rowan, the Lion-Maned Dragon, has acted in might, valor, and wisdom is many – always as the defender of that which is good and honest. His stars shine the brightest for those stalwart and brave.

Whenever your enemies charge towards you, look to the stars of Rowan and take a deep breath. You may find that your foe can't hurt you beyond your ability.

Rayalda greyscale



Whenever the elusive Rayalda was spotted during her long life, there would also be felt an eerie calm stillness for miles around – no fighting or hunting was found, not even a strongly worded argument was to be heard – her peace-enforcing magical aura was so strong that even carnivorous predators would migrate, or starve to death.

Rayaldas magical charm has made entire armies kneel and drop their weapons in her presence – look to her stars and you may find your foes suddenly unwilling to fight.

Look up

These legends are not only for sleeves or the eyes of dragons, look up and you can even find these heroes in your own night sky.

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How to find Alaric
Look to the northern sky. Alaric stands at the bottom right of Taurus, with his torso and legs being made up of the Cetus constellation. Visible from latitudes between +70° and -90°.
How to find Rowan
Turn your gaze eastwards. Overlapping the Leo constellation Rowan sits below the 'Big Dipper'. Rowan is visible between latitudes +90° and -65°.
How to find Rayalda
Look southward to the reddish glow of the Antares. Rayalda spreads her wings overlapping the Scorpio constellation. Visible from latitudes between+40° and -90°.